ABOUT WSPAAOver the years, alumni of the Wisconsin State Patrol had individually and collectively expressed a need and an interest in developing and maintaining a linkage between the past and present in the State Patrol. In response, the Wisconsin State Patrol Alumni Association, Inc. (WSPAA), a non-political; non-profit; non-union; non-stock corporation was created in 2011. The purpose of the association is to maintain the heritage and traditions of the Patrol, provide a mechanism for social and fraternal interaction, and communication between its retired and active employees. In more contemporary terms, WSPAA, through liaison with State Headquarters and other State agencies, will periodically publish newsletters informing members of current or pending changes in personnel, departmental policy, organizational structure and technological advances in police sciences. We will monitor pending changes in the retirement system, health insurance and pending legislation. Members/subscribers will be encouraged to contribute news articles of present day happenings and reminiscent anecdotes from the past. WSPAA membership is available to all former and current Communications personnel, Troopers, Inspectors and non-sworn support staff. WSPAA By-Laws
WSPAA Vision and Core ValuesVision Core Values
Wisconsin State Patrol Alumni Association Page Last Modified